The Paralympic star known as “Blade Runner,” Oscar Pistorius, 27, admits to shooting his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp dead at his home. The...
The Indian diplomat, Devyani Khobragade was the center of controversy when she was arrested on December 12 in Manhattan, on charges of...
On the popular blog website, there is an article posted with an accompanying video titled, “Justin Bieber in Court…In a Nutshell....
Whether you want to enter into the legal field for the first time in your career, or you want to switch legal...
Oscar Pistorius is the Paralympic star known as “Blade Runner.” The Mirror UK has reported that Pistorius, 27, admits to shooting his...
27-year-old Danielle Thomas was a financial analyst for Weight Watchers who was found dead in the bathtub of Jason Bohn’s apartment in...
Oscar Pistorius is a Paralympics champion. The paralympic is known to fans as “Blade Runner.” The South African sprint runner, Pistorius although...
I’m sure that most people can appreciate honesty, even if the honest message is kind of painful to receive and misguided, most...
Stetson University College of Law’s moot court team has been named regional co-champions. The team will go on to the National Finals...
Fox News has reported that around 120 papers that have been published in established scientific journals over the last few years have...
Many strict laws in recent years meant to reduce distracted driving caused by cell phones have been passed in states, California included....
Teen pop idol, Justin Bieber tweeted that he was “focused on the music.” He also tweeted “i love GA.” Police searched Justin...