Summary: USA begins new legal comedy series, benched. USA’s new television series, Benched, a Legal Comedy, premiered last Tuesday, with plenty of...
Summary: Australian cartoonist Tim Whyatt takes up Gary Larson’s torch. Ever since Gary Larson retired, there’s been an aching hole in...
Who do you think wore it better? Cast your vote below the image.
Summary:Â There are plenty of things out there today that people think are illegally activities, but after doing some checks, they are actually...
Summary:Â We have put together a list of the top 11 news bloopers of all-time, including videos of the mistakes, in this post...
Summary:Â Lewis Black is one of the funniest comedians out there today and his latest rant centers around teachers and their profession. Enjoy...
Summary:Â “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” decided it would be funny to reenact Supreme Court decisions using dogs in a recent sketch....
Summary: Funny pictures of the conflicted relationship mankind has with the animal kingdom. Have you ever seen a graphic or violent picture...
Summary: A collection of stunning images from nature that teach us how to look at our own neighborhood. There is nothing more...
1. This weekend I went to an apple orchard with a few friends. Although there weren’t many apples left on the trees,...
This is what happens when you let Gandalf be a substitute in college…
f you follow me on Instagram, then you know I've been checking in with a lot of Piyo and TIU workouts. However,...