In a strategic move preceding the impending merger between Shearman & Sterling and Allen & Overy, Sarah McLean, a prominent figure in...
If 2023 marked the transformative influence of artificial intelligence (AI), 2024 is poised to be the year that U.S. copyright law undergoes...
New Yorkers Granted No-Excuse Mail-In Voting for Special Election New Yorkers are set to exercise their voting rights through no-excuse mail-in ballots...
In the unfolding drama surrounding the tainted water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, 2024 is poised to be a pivotal year...
In a recent development, the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) experienced a setback in its defense against New York’s charity malfeasance...
Global Consulting Firm Settles Claims Linked to Opioid Crisis In a landmark development, consulting giant McKinsey & Co has reached a $78...
Global tax authorities and multinational corporations in the United States, Australia, and Canada are gearing up for legal showdowns in the coming...
In a groundbreaking decision, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, disqualified former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballot in...
Alphabet’s Google has reached a preliminary settlement in a class-action lawsuit that accused the tech giant of secretly monitoring the online activities...
On December 17, a New York Democratic lawmaker, Tony Simone, brought forth a bill that, in the guise of ensuring public benefit,...
In 2023, lawsuits targeting major chemical companies over alleged contamination of U.S. drinking water with toxic PFAS chemicals culminated in settlements exceeding...
On Thursday, the U.S. military ushered in a new era of accountability by overhauling its approach to investigating and prosecuting cases of...