A recent report by Decipher Investigative Intelligence, a provider of prehire due diligence for law firms, revealed that nearly one-third of all...
A groundbreaking program aimed at combating racial injustice and inequality in the southern United States is underway, training and deploying a new...
Wisconsin is making progress in averting a constitutional crisis by addressing the urgent need to increase wages for Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs)...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has recently signed a bill that poses a significant challenge to the labor movement, specifically targeting teachers’ unions...
The Supreme Court has announced that it will hear oral arguments in a high-stakes South Carolina redistricting case, where the NAACP has...
In a recent development, the oldest and longest-serving member of the Federal Circuit Court has been instructed to release her medical records....
Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and one-time personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, is facing yet another...
In an unexpected turn of events, the decisions issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in its current term have shown a remarkable...
Scholars and courts have recently become aware of a potential scrivener’s error that may have altered the text of the law governing...
Holland & Knight, a prominent U.S. law firm, has announced its latest expansion in Latin America by adding 28 lawyers from a...
The U.S. Supreme Court has made a significant decision by permitting a challenge brought forth by an Alabama death row inmate. The...
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a significant case, Carnahan v. Maloney, which revolves around members of Congress seeking disclosure...