In a recent ruling, the Ohio Supreme Court has determined that entering an open garage intending to steal a leaf blower does...
In a surprising twist, officials within the Biden administration are engaged in a heated and unresolved debate concerning a possible constitutional challenge...
In a recent legal development, U.S. District Judge Steven C. Seeger of the Northern District of Illinois issued a stern warning to...
The legal fight between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and suspended state attorney Andrew Warren is set to test local prosecutors’ ability to...
In a newly released ethics opinion from the ABA’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, lawyers have been reminded of their...
The South Carolina Supreme Court recently found itself immersed in an unusual case involving the untimely release of Jeroid John Price, who...
In a recent legal opinion, three hypothetical scenarios involving lawyer fees were discussed, shedding light on the rights of clients and the...
Stanford Law School has emerged as the leader among U.S. law schools in terms of federal clerkship placements, according to recent data...
In a recent revelation, internal records cited by Business Insider and How Appealing indicate that Jane Sullivan Roberts, wife of Chief Justice...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed an oversight board to file a countersuit against Walt Disney Co in state court, escalating tensions...
The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a pivotal case that challenges the authority of federal agencies to create regulations. Loper...
Justice Samuel Alito recently expressed his belief that he knows who is responsible for leaking the U.S. Supreme Court’s abortion decision on...