Summary: The University of Arkansas School of Law will have two directing their competitions program and student Board of Advocates members. The...
Summary: With growing concern over what happens to children who cross the border illegally, more lawyers are donating their time to help....
Summary: These ten law schools, private and public institutions, have the lowest acceptance rates. Waiting for the day an acceptance letter to...
Summary: Thomas Jefferson has secured a new campus location not far from their former building in downtown San Diego. Thomas Jefferson School...
Summary: North Carolina Central University School of Law has found an interim leader until a more permanent dean can be found. North...
Summary: Valparaiso Law School has been looking for other options after its enrollment dropped drastically last fall, considering Middle Tennessee State University...
Summary: The results from the February California bar exam are now available but don’t paint a good picture. California released the latest...
Summary: Boston University announced their selection of Angela Onwuachi-Willig, a UC Berkeley Law professor, as the new dean. Boston University School of...
Summary: These eight steps can help you prepare for law schools so that you will be ready and not immediately finding yourself...
Summary: With the Supreme Court of Canada ruling against the Christian university’s plan for a law school because of a lifestyle rule,...
Summary: Florida Coastal School of Law will not get their temporary restraining order against the American Bar Association, but their case will...
Summary: Two law school journals will feature a special symposium on the #MeToo movement and how related issues pertain to the law....