Summary: The portraits of black professors were defaced at Harvard Law School. Yesterday morning, students and faculty entered the hallowed halls of...
Summary: The documentary “Hunting Ground†attacks Harvard Law School’s management of a sexual assault case over a year ago, which has angered...
Summary: To go to Mars or get his J.D.? One young man is trying to decide. Click Here for an Update on...
Summary: Leading media and entertainment attorney and adjunct professor Ken Ziffren has donated $5 million to UCLA Law School. Long-time UCLA supporter...
Summary: The unofficial July Bar Exams have been released, and there’s been a sharp decline in pass rates. So who’s to blame? Over...
Summary: An extra security presence at University of South Carolina School of Law is now in place due to a visit from...
Summary: Cole Leonard, a second year law student, didn’t get to go to Mars, but it sounds like he’s got a...
Summary: The Dean of the law school at Duquesne has been named as the President of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Duquesne University...
Summary: With unlimited access to the legal library at Harvard Law School through a special program, the ability to research and develop...
Summary: Law schools are scrambling to fill empty seats with students that have low LSATÂ scores, an indicator for many that the student...
Summary: University of Virginia Law School places a high importance on getting clerkships lined up for the graduates, understanding the experience gained...
Summary: This week, The Atlantic alleges that the InfiLaw Law School system is a scam. Is InfiLaw taking advantage of its law students and...