Summary: Mr. Chemerinsky, dean at UC-Irvine School of Law, complains about Justice Scalia’s lack of respect to others with differing beliefs, but...
Summary: A recent study done by two law school professors has opened up the discussion to the effectiveness of the LSAT at...
Summary: Brooklyn Law School is offering to repay students who fail to secure a job. With the legal market bottomed out and...
Summary: With their smaller properties now sold, Brooklyn Law School is taking offers until July 17th for the perfectly located Brooklyn Heights...
Summary: The online learning platform for law school students, LearnLeo, is now available for students at the top 20 law schools and...
Summary: UNM School of Law has been going through deans due to unwilling faculty and a general lack of trust, making those...
Summary: With declining enrollment and high tuition, University of Illinois’s new dean is attempting to cut costs, starting with his salary. The...
Summary: Two tenured professors voiced opposition to the sale of the law school and were fired soon after. Was it a coincidence...
Summary: Rutgers University is hoping to receive all the approvals they need to merge their two law schools into one law school...
Summary: In such a weakened legal job market, many feel that law schools should be closing instead of receiving accreditation. July 6...
Summary: A new way of ranking law schools based on LSAT median scores, employment outcomes, and citations has uncovered several law schools...
Summary: Vermont Law School’s Center for Agriculture and Food Systems received a grant to address the national food policy for a healthier...