Summary: After applying for provisional accreditation in August, the law school has been granted their status just in time for their nine...
Summary: Although law school enrollment has dropped significantly nationwide, the University of New Mexico School of Law has reported that it has...
Summary: Dean Paul G. Mahoney of the U.Va. Law School is returning to teaching and scholarship after leading the school for eight...
Summary: The University at Albany and Albany Law School are moving closer to completing an affiliation agreement. The University at Albany and...
Summary: Former employees of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law are suing the Dean and university for retaliation after a union was formed for...
Summary: Students for the fall 2015-16 academic year will be accepted to the law school even though the future of the school...
Summary: New York has recently announced that it will adopt the uniform bar examination, leading many to wonder whether other states will...
Summary: US Attorney Preet Bharara may be famous for prosecuting Wall Street but he is also gaining fame as the hottest law...
Summary: Two William Mitchell College of Law professors filed a lawsuit on the school for a breach of contract when the school...
Summary: Two faculty members will take over as deans at the Suffolk and Cardozo law schools. According to the National Law Journal,...
Summary: Faculty members, students, and alumni are upset about the possible closure of Charleston School of Law and a possible sale to...
Summary: Due to recent changes in American Bar Association rules, the University of Hawaii has announced it will accept a small number...