Summary: The University at Buffalo Law School will launch a legal clinic specifically tailored toward the needs of veterans. According to Buffalo...
Summary: A survey administered by Kaplan finds that law schools expect a boost in enrollment soon. A survey put out by...
Summary:Â Paul Kirgis has been named as the new dean at the University of Montana School of Law after serving as a law...
Summary:Â The latest data for the LSAT has been released and it is not good. The number of test-takers has dropped once again,...
Summary: On November 13, the groundbreaking for Arizona State University’s brand new law school building will be held, according to a release from...
Summary:Â Struggling law schools, like the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, remain open because of their creditors. With the recent...
Summary: Ed Iacobucci will take over on January 1 as the new dean of Toronto Law School. The Varsity reports that Ed...
Summary: The Law Society of British Columbia has reversed accreditation of Trinity Western University School of Law, in part due to a...
Summary:Â The Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law was named the top school of the list of “Best Law School Facilities” from PreLaw...
Summary:Â The Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida has been protected against the Obama Administration’s Abortion-Contraception mandate for the time being....
Summary:Â Earlier this month, Columbia Law School opened the Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thinking and the first seminar will be held in...
Summary: A new survey from Kaplan shows renewed optimism in the law school education sector based on responses from admissions officials. The...