Summary: Eley Thompson, a renowned intellectual property attorney, has joined Foley & Lardner in its Chicago office. Foley & Lardner is pleased...
Summary: John C. Danforth, an attorney who has been with Bryan Cave for 50 years, has departed the firm after a disagreement...
Summary: A former partner of the prestigious Hughes, Hubbard and Reed law firm was caught evading his personal income tax returns for...
Summary: Greenberg Traurig has rented over 35,000 square feet of space in Dallas’ recently updated skyscraper, Chase Tower. According to the Dallas...
Summary: McDermott Will & Emery LLP has grabbed six partners from K & L Gates at this time but more may be...
Summary: Patricia Krewson and Ryan Morley have joined Littler as shareholders. Littler is pleased to announce that Patricia Krewson and Ryan Morley...
Summary: A former staff attorney for Drinker Biddle & Reath over-billed his time by almost 419 hours, resulting in a two-year suspension....
Summary: Lewis Brisbois has elected to stay at their new location after moving from their damaged office. After an arson fire destroyed...
Summary: The successful entertainment attorney Carolyn Hunt will join the firm as partner and entertainment attorney Samuel Roseme joins as counsel in...
Summary: Lawyer Mark Bartlett is facing a motion to determine if the money his client paid him, which was stolen, renders representation...
Summary: has compiled a list of the best workplaces for new dads. The list of 50 employers across the country includes... reports that one of the largest law firms in the People’s Republic of China, Dacheng, will merge with two major law...