Summary: Dentons is running strong as they easily become the world’s largest law firm with the addition of Chinese Dacheng and two...
Summary: The Franchise and Distribution practice at DLA Piper’s Silicon Valley office is receiving a valuable new member to their team. Karen...
Summary: The quarterly report conducted by Citi Private Bank was not a good sign when compared to the growth in reports done...
Summary: Downtown Austin is enjoying the addition of major law firms to the city, including Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman’s move into the...
Summary: Leading global law firm Morrison & Foerster continues to grow their corporate practice with the addition of a new partner. Morrison...
Summary: Students at Harvard Law School are unhappy about the history of the law school and demand that the school remove its...
Summary: The world’s largest law firm is set to get even bigger—with over 7,000 lawyers worldwide. Dentons , the world’s largest law...
Summary: View the 2016 U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” awards and a brief summary of each law firm. Admiralty...
Summary: The addition of a new corporate and real estate transactions partner to Akerman’s Miami office continues their strategic growth plans. One...
Summary: The legal market is forcing law firms to resort to desperate and powerful measures to secure big paydays and more business....
Summary: L.A. Unified once again fires the lawyer who blamed a student for having sex with a middle school teacher. Public outcry...
Summary: The Detroit office of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn has added a new partner to their ranks from Jackson Lewis. With...