Summary: A former associate has settled her sexual harassment claims against a law firm that previously employed her. A sexual harassment suit...
Summary: Perkins Coie will be taking over the top floors of the Foundry III building in fast growing South of Market district...
Summary: A majority of the mass of departures from K&L Gates can be credited with the firm’s efforts to only keep partners...
Summary: Littler Mendelson opened their 67th office in Toronto, Canada with seven new attorneys to expand their global employment and labor law...
Summary: FinTech attorney Sean Ruff is leaving Square Inc. to go back to Morrison Foerster as of counsel and co-chair of the...
Summary: The white collar practice at Miles & Stockbridge got the valuable addition of Billy Martin and his team to their Washington...
Summary: Former Troutman Sanders senior patent litigator John Gresens will be adding to the strength of the Chicago office at Akerman LLP....
Summary: Lynn Cadwalader will be joining the San Francisco office of DLA Piper as a partner in the real estate practice from...
Summary: Glenn S. Walter brings almost 20 years of experience in corporate restructuring, bankruptcy issues, and insolvency to Honigman Miller Schwartz &...
Summary: The cross-border transactional services for financial and telecommunications at Akerman has been strengthened with the addition of Arturo Banegas Masia. Arturo...
Summary: Vinson & Elkins welcomes experienced transactional lawyer in oil and gas, Bryan Loocke to their firm as a partner. Bryan Loocke, an...
Summary: The below firms are among some of the best for working mothers due to their flexible schedules and encouraging environments.