Summary: Littler Global continues to build their international reach, especially with their push to expand in the Central American and South American...
Summary: Former attorney general Eric Holder Jr. is returning to his last place of employment before becoming serving with the Obama administration....
Summary: A New York law firm partner is accused of taking close to half a million dollars from the firm, in addition...
Summary: The addition of Hardy Bowen’s three partners, nine lawyers, and five support staff to the Perth location helps DLA build their...
Summary: After many months of negotiations, McKenna Long & Aldridge has completed its merger with Dentons. On Wednesday, the anticipated merger between...
Summary: A witness for the defense of Dewey & LeBoeuf former executives pointed the blame on the criminal investigation by the District...
Summary: Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP plan on dropping most summer internships. Quinn is at it again. They have to be different....
Summary: Although many of the country’s biggest law firms make billions in revenue, most only contribute a tiny fraction of their earnings...
Summary: A New Jersey firm may be forced to lay off close to 300 employees, due to reports that it will not...
Summary: The former Dewey & LeBoeuf lawyers in a fraud and larceny case brought by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office attempt to...
Summary: Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP is opening a new office in New York City to assist their corporate practices,...
Summary: Emails presented as evidence in the Dewey & LeBoeuf trial reveal hostility toward the former chairman of the firm. According to...