Summary: Acritas has revealed the law firms with the strongest growth patterns, based on surveys taken over the past four years. According...
Summary: G. Derek Andreson has joined as a partner in the litigation practice at Winston & Strawn LLP in Washington DC. G....
Summary: Bill Baroni has left Hill Wallack LLPÂ to focus on clearing his name from Bridgegate. Though his former coworker David Wildstein...
Summary: Ferguson hires Winston and Strawn lawyer at $1,335 an hour to litigate reforms. While Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson got off the...
Summary: Richard E. Berman and Jose Riguera have joined Blank Rome’s Fort Lauderdale office. Blank Rome has announced that Richard E. Berman...
Summary: The Geller Law Group offers a family-friendly alternative among law firms. Can women have it all? A full time job, be...
Summary: Gordon & Rees will open its thirty-fifth United States office in Boston this week. Gordon & Rees, a San Francisco-based law...
Summary: Latham & Watkins has become the number one grossing firm in the world. Latham & Watkins may have a modest 2,100...
Summary: Douglas Boggs plans to join his brother’s firm, Manatt Phelps & Phillips, possibly as early as next week. Douglas Boggs, a...
Summary: Law firm Meckler Bulger Tilson will merge into Cozen O’Connor, effective June 1. The new law firm will be better able...
Summary: Google’s update to its search algorithm may push small businesses to the bottom of search results if their websites are not...
Summary: While the overall median salary for first year associates at law firms is up from last year, the numbers have not...