In a significant move towards equality and inclusivity, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed House Bill 300, also known as the Fairness...
In a recent survey conducted by Wells Fargo’s Legal Specialty Group, it has been revealed that BigLaw firms are grappling with a...
Greenberg Traurig is a global law firm with more than 2,650 attorneys across 45 locations worldwide, including the United States, Europe, the...
Latham & Watkins Advises on Six Flags US$800 Million Senior Notes Offering Latham & Watkins LLP, a global law firm headquartered in...
Foley & Lardner LLP, a leading global law firm, recently served as legal counsel to Elk Range Royalties (Elk Range) in its...
Foley & Lardner LLP is proud to announce that four of its attorneys have been named to D Magazine’s exclusive list of...
Foley & Lardner LLP, a leading international law firm with deep expertise in a range of industries, has once again demonstrated its...
Akerman LLP, a top 100 U.S. law firm, has announced that Elizabeth “Betsy” Hodge has been appointed as the Chair of the...
A former Colorado judge, Lance P. Timbreza, has been publicly censured after admitting that his judgment was impaired by alcohol during an...
In a recent announcement, the esteemed U.S. law firm Boies Schiller Flexner revealed that Evan Ezray, a Florida Attorney General’s Office lawyer,...
Faegre Drinker, a law firm with a rich history in the United States, has been recognized as the “Law Firm of the...
TechnipFMC plc, a leading technology provider to the traditional and new energy industries, has completed the refinancing of its existing senior secured...