Summary: A former lawyer for an Indian tribe in Florida lost his license after he filed bogus lawsuits for years against the...
Summary: A Jersey man just had to be a lawyer and couldn’t learn the lesson that impersonating a lawyer is not okay....
Summary: Law firms are quick to dish out advice to others facing sexual harassment accusations but they have their own matters that...
Summary: A San Bernardino County gang prosecutor is being investigated for making inappropriate comments on social media. A gang prosecutor for San...
Summary: The latest survey on public service attorney salaries places a dim light on the state of salaries in civil legal services...
Summary: A former lawyer for the famous Brendan Dassey case was arrested for stalking and violating his temporary restraining order involving his...
Summary: A former Hunton & Williams partner who disappeared 20 years ago for committing fraud pleaded guilty in another fraudulent scheme. An...
Summary: A California attorney who has since been disbarred had his defamation lawsuit against a newspaper thrown out. A California attorney disbarred...
Summary: Vault’s latest associate survey examining law firm culture put O’Melveny & Myers at the top. Law firms are typically known as...
Summary: The Washington D.C. attorney who claimed he was NBA star LeBron James’ father has been disbarred. A Washington D.C. lawyer with...
Summary: A Florida attorney is accused of striking a woman with his car while driving under the influence, then leaving the scene...
Summary: Some criminal attorneys use clever marketing tools to sell their brands. Because there are numerous attorneys to choose from, it is...