Summary: After watching a graphic video of a sexual encounter between a former San Antonio attorney and one of his victims, a...
Summary: A New York lawyer who made up a client’s drug problems to get his client out of prison early is now...
Summary: Florida State University’s former deputy general counsel was convicted for trying to have sexual relations with a minor. The former deputy...
Summary: A Brooklyn man with no legal credentials pretended to be an attorney, promising overturned convictions to inmates serving long sentences in...
Summary: An East Shore attorney has been accused of embezzling and burglarizing her own law firm, among other charges. East Shore attorney...
Summary: An Oregon attorney apparently cannot handle criticism from a fellow attorney very well as he is accused of firing multiple shots...
Summary: Latham & Watkins chair and managing partner will be stepping down and retiring from the law firm for exchanging sexual messages...
Summary: A lawyer in South Africa has been classified as a fugitive after he disappeared with millions from his law firm’s accounts....
Summary: Manhattan patent attorney Jacob Zappin was disbarred over his actions during his divorce and custody case, which turned ugly. A Manhattan...
Summary: A former Pennsylvania attorney accused of using client funds for personal expenses was sentenced to nearly 3 years in federal prison....
Summary: Dentons is combining with seven law firms around the globe. The world’s largest law firm is getting bigger. On Thursday, Dentons...
Summary: The Las Vegas attorney who scammed investors into supporting his fake marijuana company was sentenced to two to five years in...