Summary: A Georgia attorney allegedly worked out a deal with a witness in a child molestation case involving his client. Investigators in...
Summary: The former clients of Andy Allman are waiting in limbo as one county is waiting for another county to possibly file...
Summary: Attorney Margo Burson had two complaints filed against her alleging missing money from the accounts of two elderly women. A Topeka,...
Summary: Disgraced attorney Jose Camacho was sentenced to a year in jail and 10 years of probation. After forging hundreds of judicial...
Summary: Richard Thompson, a former U.S. prosecutor, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault for stalking a former girlfriend. A former U.S....
Summary: Despite a flat 2016 entry level legal job market, Big Law firms have hired more associates than before. Firms with 500...
Summary: Steven Morelli has been sentenced to prison for stealing around $800,000 from clients. A Garden City civil rights lawyer had already...
Summary: A Wisconsin attorney was able to plea down his charges from felonies to misdemeanors for drug and prostitution-related offenses. Black River...
Summary: Studies indicate that alcohol and drug problems are still a big problem within law firms. The legal industry is all too...
Summary: Eversheds Sutherland has grown their international presence by opening up an office in Dusseldorf. Eversheds Sutherland is stepping up its global...
Summary: A partner from Kirkland & Ellis was medically evacuated to Florida after being shot while on vacation. A beautiful island getaway...
Summary: Baton Rouge attorney Christopher Young faces two charges of child pornography in what he calls a vindictive case brought by federal...