Weird News

Father Sets Up Camcorder to Detect Ghosts in His Kitchen: Tapes His Girlfriend Seducing His 16-Year-Old Son Instead

A father from Tasmania, Australia, was concerned about the spooky goings on in his kitchen. Suspecting there were ghosts about,…

Anti-Gay Wave of Violence Rocks NYC

Mark Carson, a 32 year-old gay man, was murdered on Friday night, after being subjected to homophobic slurs by his…

Pat Robertson Blames a Wife for her Cheating Husband, Again

Pat Robertson, a televangelist who many believe has faded far past the point of relevance, has once again stunned the…

Education Department Making a Killing on Student Loans

The U.S. Department of Education may generate $51 billion in profit this year at the expense of student loan borrowers,…

Japanese Mayor Justifies Military Rape of Sex Slaves

Conservatives say the darndest things – everywhere. Recently, it is timely for Japan to face some of the war crimes…

Crazy Stretching Exercise

Athletes and physically fit people always espouse the importance of rigorous stretching. Medical practitioners agree that stretching is key to…

Man Sexually Assaults Peacock

The peacock is an emblem of pride, arrogance, vanity, and flaunted fashion. These sentiments apply a little less to poor…

FBI Overreact To Saudi Student Carrying a Pressure Cooker

The FBI is steamed about these pressure cookers, ever since the Tsarnaev brothers deployed two pressure cooker bombs to injure…

Model Injects Cooking Oil in her Face to Feed her Plastic Surgery Addiction

Despite being a model, Hang Mioku didn’t feel she was beautiful enough. The picture to the left shows her natural…

VIDEO: Animal Cruelty in Chinese Circus as Bear Mauls Monkey

A circus in China on its website, China Tour Online, says their park “offers animal performances, showing the charm and…

Draft of Ariel Castro’s Suicide Letter Says “I am a Sexual predator, I need help”

Ariel Castro, the monster who kept three women captive for a decade, and who themselves have only recently been released,…

The CIA Helped Edit Zero Dark Thirty Movie

The five-time Oscar-nominated Zero Dark Thirty, a movie depicting the man hunt and killing of Osama Bin Laden, had some…