Summary: A Boston University professor of theater believes the Christmas carol “Jingle Bells” is rooted in racism. This is not the first...
Summary: A Wi-Fi security system picked up images of a woman’s landlord inside her bedroom masturbating onto her dirty clothes. When are...
Summary: An England-based YouTube prankster took his prank too far when he tried to make a mold of his head inside a...
Summary: A Michigan man was choked until he passed out by a court officer after trying to pay his parking ticket in...
Summary: A Florida woman was arrested for domestic battery after fighting with her boyfriend about a laptop and sex toys. The owner...
Summary: An older Florida woman shot her husband and then wrapped his body up in a tarp and put it behind a...
Summary: The conservative Ohio lawmaker, who pushes his Christian faith and anti-LGBT view, was caught having sex with a man in his...
Summary: An animal rights group is suing for elephants being kept at the Connecticut Zoo to receive legal personhood. An animal rights...
Summary: The Drexel professor who has taken to Twitter on several occasions to point fingers at white people has done it again....
Summary: The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that a suspect’s request for a “lawyer dog” during an interrogation did not mean he wanted...
Summary: An elderly Virginia man attacked his wife with an ax and then turned on himself with a chainsaw. A Virginia man...
Summary: A couple aboard a Delta flight to Detroit were caught in an inappropriate position while still in their seats. We’ve all...