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First Year Associates Will Be Flocking to Pennsylvania

Summary: Starting salaries in Pennsylvania law firms are seeing an increase to match other big city locations, making the state…

Law School Application Advice from Recent Graduates

Summary: There are always the questions of what-if when applying to school but with the help and advice from recent…

Law Firm Hours May Be Changing to Normal Hours

Summary: Many of the top lawyers are tired of not having a home life and always being at work so…

Recent Temple University Law School Graduate Shot Dead

Summary: A graduate of Temple Law School in July was found with fatal gunshots to his upper torso inside a…

French Train Terrorist Claims to Be a Robber

Summary: The young man that was taken down by four Americans before he could shoot-up a Paris-bound train is claiming…

Kirkland & Ellis Offers Associates $100,000 Bonuses

Summary: Kirkland & Ellis’ 2014 bonuses were some of the highest paid to associates in law firms across the country.…

Kentucky Will Fight to Defend Traditional Marriage

Summary: With Kentucky’s Attorney General backing out, Gov. Beshear had to hire a private lawyers to keep the fight against…

Setting Up Another Attorney Will Get You Enemies and May Get You Disbarred

Summary: Adams & Diaco partner Stephen Diaco orchestrated a setup to get the attorney on the other side of a…

Lesson to All: Lock Up Your Kitchen Knives

Summary: A mentally unstable lawyer from Long Island used a kitchen knife to kill her 79-year-old mother after a fight…

Law School Admission Council Must Revise Accommodation Policies

Summary: The Law School Admission Council will have to put new disability accommodation rules into place before the December administration…

Child Porn Investigators at Gene Simmons’ House, But No Wrongdoing Alleged

Summary: Although investigators were at Gene Simmons’ residence this week in relation to an alleged crime involving children, Simmons and…

Moving to Another Country and Molesting Children is Still Illegal

Summary: An American minister that returned from Haiti, where he molested several young girls, for sex addiction treatment was arrested…