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Attorney General Holder Completes his Court Appointed Homework Assignment, Half a Page Short and Snarky

Attorney General Holder more or less finished his homework assignment, with maybe a little cramming and a notable use of…

Nevada Attorney Used Loophole in New York Law to Scam Homeowners

There’s a new kind of fraud in the mortgage scam market – it’s called ‘upfront loan modification fraud.’ It’s only…

Texas Tornadoes Damage 650 Homes

Tornado season in Texas hit hard Tuesday, with many touch-downs and with wide-stretched devastation. The warning issued by Eastern Dallas…

Madonna Vows to Take on Putin in His Hometown

U.S. pop singer Madonna has promised that during her upcoming tour through Russia this summer, she would defy a new…

Home Sales Blocked by Student Debt

Many have placed blame on student debt for bad home sales in the United States. For example, Roshell Schenck holds…

Dad Who Let Daughter Drive Home Gets Probation

The Detroit driver who was caught on camera talking about how well his 9 year old daughter drives has been…

Body of David Carter Found Four Years after Suicide in Home

The body of a man was found at his home four years after he committed suicide. Back in 2007, David…

Amber Portwood, a ‘Teen Mom,’ Evicted from Home

One of the stars, if you can call her a star, of the MTV television show ‘Teen Mom,’ has been…

Visual Take on Homemade Vs. Junk Food Rams Top Ramen

The war between ready-made vs. homemade food is not new and not about to go away anytime soon. However, organic…

Students Aid In The Rescue Of Homeless Man Stuck In The Mud

High school students on a field trip near the Rio Grande river in Albuquerque heard the cries of a homeless…

The Future is Here! Virtual Currency to Home-delivery of Drugs on the Silk Road

It might seem futuristic, if not outright sick, but the truth is out: Drugs are being sold openly through an…

Law Student Bachelor Contestant Sent Home

The Bachelor franchise has returned to Narnia this season, only four seasons removed from the producers’ decision to include one…