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Online Directory of Washington D.C. IP Law Firms

Summary: Get the all the information you need on the firm name, website, firm size, practice areas, address, phone and…

IP Law Firm Directory for San Jose, California

Summary: Use this online directory with the firm name, URL, email address, phone number, fax number, address, size, and practice…

A Survey of My Life Right Now from A to Z

Summary: Here is what is happening in my life right now, from A to Z. A - Age: 27 B…

Former Judge Allegedly Created Fake Sex-for-Hire Ads for His Ex-Girlfriends

Summary: Unable to let go of the fact that two women rejected him, a former judge made profiles for the…

Online Directory of All Highest State Courts

Summary: Lawcrossing.com has compiled a directory of supreme courts and/or court of criminal appeals for all US states and territories. See…

Laws Not Taught in Physics Class

Summary: Here are 18 laws that are not taught in physics class, but that are surprisingly true most of the…

Revenge Porn May Soon be Stopped

Summary: A new ruling by the FTC aims to better protect consumers from revenge porn tactics. Many men and women…

Managing Your Online Presence

When I was an associate at a large international law firm, I shared a secretary with a highly distinguished, old…

‘Patent Trolls’ Losing Their Fight with Big Tech Companies

Summary: Big tech companies and 'patent trolls' are continuing their legal battles in and out of court these days, but big…

Treon Harris’s Lawyers Malign Alleged Rape Victim

Summary: Treon Harris’s lawyers issue a statement maligning the alleged victim of Harris’s sexual assault. Treon Harris’s lawyers have released…

Top 10 Benefits of Being a First Year Law Firm Associate

Summary: What are some of the benefits of being a first year law firm associate? Here are the top 10 benefits.…

Life as a Bankruptcy Attorney

Summary: What’s it really like to be a bankruptcy attorney? What skills will you need to be successful? What type…