Summary: Environmental attorney Ivan DeVoren was charged with sexually abusing his dog. A well-known attorney in Pittsburgh was charged with multiple counts...
Summary: Kanye West and an insurance company have reached a settlement over the missing payment from his canceled tours. Kanye West has...
Summary: Charleston lawyer Melissa Gay was arrested and charged with the obstruction of justice related to a client she was representing. A...
Summary: The Harvard Law Review named Michael Thomas, a second-year law student, as the journal’s new president. The Harvard Law Review elected...
Summary: McGeorge Law School will be holding a one-day conference on the laws, regulations, and issues regarding marijuana. Marijuana is taking off...
Summary: Nebraska police found 60 lbs. of marijuana in an elderly couple’s truck on Tuesday. Ho, ho… holy moly that’s a lot...
Summary: The settlement from a wrongful death suit should go to the victim’s daughter, but the attorney used the money for his...
Summary: The murder of a San Francisco woman that brought about the immigration bill ‘Kate’s Law’ has finally begun after two years...
Summary: Appellate judge Richard Posner announced his plan to retire from the court of appeals and focus on teaching and publishing. Highly-recognized...
Summary: A Texas woman claims police officers violated the law by giving her a cavity search without a warrant. In 2015, a...
Summary: Kanye West said that Lloyd’s of London owes him for losses due to his canceled Saint Pablo Tour. Kanye West wants...
Summary: Oregon is the latest state to take steps towards decriminalizing drug possession for first-time offenders. Oregon is updating its laws so...