Summary: The “Affluenza” teen Ethan Couch has made his return to the United States to face the consequences of breaking communications with...
Summary: Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP has merged with Christie, Parker & Hale LLP. The merger between Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP of Arizona...
Summary: The latest issue of preLaw magazine awarded the University of New Mexico School of Law as the best school in the...
Summary: A specially appointed committee of Massachusetts Senate members will travel to Colorado to learn all they can about what regulations work...
Summary: A federal judge threw out a jury verdict awarded to a man injured aboard the cruise lines ship after new evidence...
Summary: This year, criminals shocked us with their dirty deeds, which in one case was literally crappy. 2015 was a shocking year...
Summary: The ACLU has won a settlement against the Department of Homeland Security that could return Mexicans to their U.S. families. ...
Summary: While many lawyers are helping the the poor with legal services, there is still much work to be done before the...
Summary: The unofficial July Bar Exams have been released, and there’s been a sharp decline in pass rates. So who’s to blame? Over...
Summary: A lawyer has been indicted for fraud who claimed to represent 40,000 clients in BP spill. It would have been one...
Summary: Experienced ERISA litigator Russ Buhite has joined Ogletree Deakins as a shareholder in the Tampa and Seattle litigation group. Ogletree, Deakins,...
Summary: Attorney fees in the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster case have reached $138 million. According to Bloomberg, BP’s settlement with the United...