Summary: The man Eliza Dushku accused of sexual misconduct has recently been accused by two other women of similar behavior. Following Eliza...
Summary: The year 2017 has been filled with a number of odd and significant lawsuits against those in all levels of the...
Summary: The former attorney for Turing Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli has been convicted of conspiring in the scheme to defraud investors. An...
Summary: Representative John Conyers has been accused by three women so far of sexual harassment. After an explosive article was published this...
Summary: Forbes released its annual list of highest-earning dead celebrities. For Halloween, CBS released an animated special featuring Michael Jackson’s music called Michael Jackson’s Halloween. Although...
Summary: The American Lawyer interviewed over 3,000 second and third-year law students to find out what they think of Big Law summer...
Summary: The American Lawyer has released its annual ranking of the most elite law firms. In the legal world, elitism matters. Being...
Summary: The much-anticipated results from Vault’s associate survey have been released with Cravath, Swaine & Moore still leading the pack. The results...
Summary: Hogan Lovells and Collora will merge on September 1, 2017. In a move to bolster the firm’s life sciences capabilities, Hogan...
Summary: A great deal of research and studies have been done to determine gender equality in law firms but what really makes...
Summary: Law firms are taking a page from the NFL rule book to help fix their diversity problem. The lack of diversity...
Summary: A former Chipotle “apprentice” is suing the chain for lost overtime pay. Chipotle Mexican Grill has some beef with an employee....