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Tech Tools Every Lawyer Should Be Using

As many states began requiring the closure of non-essential businesses due to the coronavirus pandemic, lawyers across the country are…

5 Ways to Improve Your Concentration

Summary: These five techniques have proven useful for increasing your attention span. According to a recent study, ‘humans of the…

Harvey Weinstein’s Defense Lawyer Says Accusers Had a Choice in Sexual Encounters

Harvey Weinstein’s defense wrapped up its case Thursday, with a closing argument: “Women need to take responsibility for ‘the men…

5 Simple Ways to Track Your Work Accomplishments

Summary: Here are some key points to keep your work accomplishments noted/organized throughout the year. It’s so easy for time…

Convicted Attorney Michael Harssema Wants a New Trial

Summary: Disbarred attorney Michael Harssema was convicted of sexually assaulting a child but he claims he never touched her. Disbarred…

Stormy Daniels Spills All in 60 Minutes Interview: Transcript

Summary: Find out what really happened between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump in an interview recently aired on 60 Minutes.…

Brooklyn Man Posed as Attorney to Con Inmates

Summary: A Brooklyn man with no legal credentials pretended to be an attorney, promising overturned convictions to inmates serving long…

Five Law Students Suspended from Exeter University

Summary: The University of Exeter removed five law school students after a group chat was posted with racist and sexist…

Former Equifax Exec Charged with Insider Trading after Massive Data Breach

Summary: A former high-ranking Equifax executive was charged with insider trading on Wednesday.  The US Securities and Exchange Commission charged…

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Allegedly Spying for China

Summary: A former CIA officer has been accused of giving intelligence secrets to China.  A former CIA officer was arrested…

AG Jeff Sessions Rescinds Cole Memo Regarding Marijuana

Summary: Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration’s decision to nix the Cole Memo, which placed a policy of non-interference…

21 Pieces of Career Advice for Attorneys

Summary: Attorneys often miss out on the best career advice, leading to simple mistakes that can ruin the chances of…