The United States Department of Education released a list of colleges and universities being investigated for Title IX issues, according to The...
Both Marriott Hotels and American Airlines have written letters to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer requesting that she veto the pending anti-gay legislation...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday chose not to hear Arizona’s state appeal against the 9th Circuit’s unanimous decision holding Arizona’s abortion...
For the first time in four years the New Year will begin with 13 States implementing a minimum wage increases that are...
Greg Collet, a Tea Party candidate for Idaho’s house of representatives has come into the spotlight. The man has bashed government spending,...
As the government shutdown continues without an end in sight, here’s how some members of congress and the senate are spending their...
In the case of National Rifle Association of America, Inc., et. Al. v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, et. Al....
On Friday, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the decision of a lower court against the 2009 Montana Firearms Freedom...
California teen Hannah Anderson was abducted by a family friend. This 40 year old man, James DiMaggio is also suspected of killing...
Detroit has filed one of the largest U.S. municipal bankruptcies this Thursday. The entire restructuring will consider more than $18 billion dollars....
Kerry Washington, the rising starlet who has gathered fans and the accolades of critics with her roles in Scandal and Django Unchained...
On Thursday, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court ruling in a 2-1 decision adorned with a 13-page dissent...