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What are the requirements to become a Justice of the Peace

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published June 22, 2009

To become a justice of the peace in a court of law you have to meet a few special requirements. In the government of any area, you will need to fill out an application and pay the fee that is required when submitting an application. This application form is just one of the many steps that need to be taken in order to work in the court of law as a justice of the peace. Justices are generally chosen by what they have in their application, which will typically include some interviews from references who can say something positive for the person and written statements as to why they believe that you would be the right person to act as a justice of the peace.

There are currently no minimums on education that a person needs to have in order to work as a justice of the peace. Having an educational background will help; criminal justice degrees are among the most common, followed by law degrees. If you don’t have a degree or don’t want to attend school for four years just to begin working for the government of you area, you can take a few courses in criminal law or criminal justice.

The work environment for a justice of the peace will vary for person to person. Some will work right in a court of law while others may travel. Those who are not working in the court of law may find themselves traveling to other locations in order to perform marriage ceremonies, swear-in witnesses, and to take statements from people who are participating in some legal proceedings. The amount of money one can expect to earn as a justice of the peace will likewise vary depending on the location that you hold in the government of law. In some states, justices of the peace are salaried employees of the state. In other states, the justices of the peace are to charge their own fees for any duties performed. In such states, the justice of the peace is not an employee but rather a businessperson.

United States
There are many benefits to working as a justice of the peace. It is a profession that is considered honorable. Since people who work in the court of law with this profession can participate in all sorts of legal work, they are automatically considered responsible and trustworthy individuals. Professionals within this field can expect to have a long-lived career, as there is always a need for a justice of the peace.

After researching everything there is to know about the justice of the peace career, you may feel this is the right career for you. Get your application ready and prepare your application fee. Make sure that you are studying criminal law so that you have a better chance at being accepted into the court of law.
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!

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