Summary: After accusations of sexual misconduct surfaced, “Bachelor in Paradise” will resume shooting in Mexico. “The Bachelor” franchise and its spinoffs were...
Summary: After over 30 seasons, ABC’s Bachelor and Bachelorette series has finally named its first black lead. The Bachelor and The Bachelorette have...
Barbara Walters is known for her brand of “personality journalism” and for her “scoop” interviews. Walters is a part-time host of the...
On Tuesday, it seemed as though justices for the United States Supreme Court were skeptical about the online television company called Aereo...
Mother of 8 year old Andy, Rebeca Seitz had an unexpected turn of events last Thursday. On the lazy summer day, she...
Modern Family has had some issues regarding the relationship between the real world and the fictional characters on their show. For instance,...
One of the most beloved and recognizable television personalities, Dick Clark, passed away at the age of 82 on Wednesday. Clark was...
Good morning everyone! Today is Friday, January 22, and here’s a recap of yesterday’s news… ABC’s new legal show premiered last night...
In what will come as a relief to what has to be one of the strangest groups ever to lobby the President...