Akerman’s New Japan Team In a significant move, Akerman, a prominent U.S. law firm, announced the formation of a dedicated team focusing...
Summary: Lateral hires continue to increase at several law firms, while others are experiencing an exodus of partners so far this year....
Summary: Akerman is taking on a new, larger office space in the Hyatt Center in Chicago that will more than double the...
Summary: The addition of a new corporate and real estate transactions partner to Akerman’s Miami office continues their strategic growth plans. One...
Summary: Akerman’s real estate group is already ranked one of the top five in the United States. Now the group is adding...
Summary: The Government Affairs & Public Policy Practice Group at Akerman has added a new partner, LaKeisha Marsh, to the Chicago office....
Summary: Former Troutman Sanders senior patent litigator John Gresens will be adding to the strength of the Chicago office at Akerman LLP....
Summary: The cross-border transactional services for financial and telecommunications at Akerman has been strengthened with the addition of Arturo Banegas Masia. Arturo...
Summary: The law firm of Akerman LLP has announced that Brett Kappel has joined the partner ranks in the Washington, D.C. office. Brett...
Summary: The law firm of Akerman LLP has announced that Susan F. Klein has joined the firm in Chicago from Polsinelli. The law...
Summary:Â The law firm of Akerman LLP will add Judge William Van Nortwick as the head of the firm’s pro bono program in...
Summary: Akerman announces commercial real estate attorney Eric Rapkin as the office managing partner of the law firm’s Fort Lauderdale office. Akerman...