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Summary: Marijuana may actually help with sex frequency and pleasure, according to data and studies on the topic. A study in this...
Summary: A disbarred Florida attorney kept practicing law and stealing money from his clients because alcohol made him do it. Alcohol makes...
Summary: A Florida couple engaged in oral sex on a busy Florida beach where children playing in the sand and waves could...
Summary: Studies indicate that alcohol and drug problems are still a big problem within law firms. The legal industry is all too...
Summary: Four teenagers are accused of having sex just at the shoreline of a popular beach on the fourth of July. Four...
Summary: Australian lawyer Leon Monastirski was banned from entering 225 venues in the Sydney area for one year after being arrested for...
Summary: The Naut Guilty boat owner, attorney Benjamin Urbelis, was acquitted of two charges regarding a boating accident with alcohol and minors....
Summary: Lawyers are reportedly the most depressed professionals. If you’ve ever felt like the living embodiment of a poop emoji without the...
Summary: After being convicted of raping an unconscious woman outside a frat party at Stanford University, Brock Turner was released after three...
Summary: A retired NASA pilot has been charged with murder after allegedly drinking and driving. Astronaut James Halsell’s retirement has taken a...
Summary: The Legal Aid Justice Center in Virginia is seeking to eliminate a secretive blacklist that allows people with alcohol offenses to...
Summary: Learn more about Ethan Couch and the latest developments in his case in this article. Due to a recent video posted...
Research and Brief Writing Attorney
USA-CA-El Segundo
El Segundo office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks an education law attorney with ...
Carlsbad office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks an education law attorney with 4-...
Education Law and Public Entity Attorney
USA-CA-El Segundo
El Segundo office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks an education law and public ent...
The legal industry is a competitive field where top talent and elite law firms seek the best possible matches. Whether you’re a recent law graduate, an associate looking for new opportunities, or a firm searching for top-tier legal professionals, finding […]
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