Summary: Attorney Anthony Pastor alleged killed two of his ex-lovers’ dogs after the animals crapped on his floor. A Manhattan attorney allegedly...
Summary: PETA is calling for a boycott of “A Dog’s Purpose” after video of the film’s alleged animal cruelty was recently published...
Summary: The Missouri Police Chief who bizarrely trapped and shot a family’s lost puppy resigned this week. In his report, he implied he...
Summary: An 11-year-old child and eleven dogs were removed from a Richland County home after officers discovered the home was saturated with filth....
Summary: A Michigan man was arrested and may serve up to fifteen years for having sex with his pit bull on two...
A man who blew up his dog won’t be charged with animal cruelty. The Washington Father of one owns a firework’s display...
The peacock is an emblem of pride, arrogance, vanity, and flaunted fashion. These sentiments apply a little less to poor old Phyl,...