arizona summit law school

ABA Moves for Quick Removal of Arizona Summit’s Accreditation

ABA Moves for Quick Removal of Arizona Summit’s Accreditation

Summary: Arizona Summit Law School had its accreditation fully removed by the ABA in one quick action. The American Bar…

InfiLaw Files Third Lawsuit against ABA

InfiLaw Files Third Lawsuit against ABA

Summary: Arizona Summit Law School has filed their own lawsuit against the American Bar Association, alleging abuse of power and…

Arizona Summit Law School Has Second-Lowest Two-Year Bar Passage Rates

Arizona Summit Law School Has Second-Lowest Two-Year Bar Passage Rates

Summary: Newly released ABA data has Arizona Summit Law School at the second-lowest for passage rates for graduates within two…

10 Law Schools Sanctioned by the ABA

10 Law Schools Sanctioned by the ABA

Summary: The ABA has sanctioned 10 law schools for low admission standards.  Since August 2016, the American Bar Association has…

Arizona Summit Posts Improved Bar Exam Passage Rate

Arizona Summit Posts Improved Bar Exam Passage Rate

Summary: From the February bar exam in Arizona, private law school Arizona Summit improved their school passage rate to 30…

Arizona Summit Law School Dean Honored with Diversity Award

Arizona Summit Law School Dean Honored with Diversity Award

Summary: Dean Shirley L. Mays of Arizona Summit Law School will be given the Diversity Award at the Paradise Valley…

Are InfiLaw Law Schools Scamming Students and Taxpayers?

Are InfiLaw Law Schools Scamming Students and Taxpayers?

Summary: This week, The Atlantic alleges that the InfiLaw Law School system is a scam. Is InfiLaw taking advantage of its law…

Phoenix School of Law Changes Their Name

Phoenix School of Law Changes Their Name

Sometimes a change of name makes all the difference. After all, companies pay millions to branders for something as simple…