Summary: Police received a Crime Stopper tip of a video showing a woman having sex with a dog online, leading to her...
Summary: A Michigan man already has 13 drunk driving convictions and just added one more arrest for drunk driving to his record....
Summary: California will no longer arrest or charge minors engaging in prostitution in an attempt to protect child sex trafficking. California put...
Summary: Man tries to get a steal of a deal by offering to pay a prostitute with a McDonalds Value Meal for...
Summary: With reports of creepy clowns pouring into the news and social media outlets, the youngest person to use the hoax to...
Summary: A Dominican woman was sent to a Miami male prison after a nurse and officials viewed her characteristics as manly. A...
Summary: The family of Sandra Bland reached a $1.9 million wrongful death settlement after she was found hanging in her jail cell....
Summary: A legal grey area allows the police to keep people’s belongings after an arrest, a recent lawsuit alleges. Can American police...
Summary: After a Pittsburgh area bridal store closed for the day, the co-owner started drinking and stripped down to his “birthday suit”...
Summary: An arrest has finally been made in the murder of Florida State law professor Dan Markel who was shot execution-style over...
Summary: Airbnb is still recovering from bad press after a Calgary incident when new reports of trashed homes surfaced after New Year’s...
Summary: The quarterback for TCU was arrested for assaulting an officer, resulting in his suspension from the team before their big bowl...