Summary: A new study conducted by two practicing female attorneys determined that women appear as the primary attorney in civil and criminal...
Summary: As a three-time Top Attorney in family law for the Fort Worth Texas area, Tawanna Lynn Cesare is a valuable asset...
Summary: Harrison Barnes breaks it down into ten mistakes and ten ways to keep your job in big law firms so that...
Summary: Being a practicing attorney is not the only option for someone with a legal degree. There are over 60 different careers...
Summary: Insurance defense attorney Nancy Raynor was sanctioned with nearly $1 million after a witness referred to the banned reference of smoking...
Summary: A man has been arrested in connection with a violent attack on a Massachusetts attorney. According to the Patriot Ledger, a...
Ask a hundred attorneys what stress is and you will get a wide variety of answers many of them quite close to...
Being a lawyer can be more depressing than other professions. Though suicide and depression studies don’t often look at the problem occupationally,...
It might not have been so much of an eyebrow-raiser, unless you knew that Idaho Senator Michael Crapo, a devout Mormon and...
Some say that this may be the most depressing legal news story they have ever read. The three-quarters-of-a-million-dollar sanction award had been...
The Chinese government claims that prominent human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Gao Zhisheng “went missingâ€last year while in their...
Attorney Sandeep Baweja has withdraw as counsel in a class action case after he confessed in court papers that he lost a...