
Law Firm Survey: Work Quality Main Reason Associates Exit

Law Firm Survey: Work Quality Main Reason Associates Exit

Summary: Why do associates leave high-paying jobs at law firms? When law firms hire associates, the intention is usually to…

High Dropout Rates May Result in Loss of Accreditation

High Dropout Rates May Result in Loss of Accreditation

Summary: Schools may lose their accreditation if they cannot reasonably explain why the attrition rates of their first-year students are…

Phillie DA: You’re Fired Before You’re Hired!

The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office has rescinded offers to 12 incoming attorneys who were set to start in the fall,…

AmLaw: The Coming Law Firm Hiring Crisis

The American Lawyer expects a "a paradigm-shifting, blood-in-the-suites, terror-on-the-campus hiring and retention crisis" in 2009. If nothing changes, this fall…

Law Firms Save $250,000 for Each Lawyer Laid Off

How much do law firms save by laying off lawyers and staff? The National Law Journal asked around the find…

Clifford Chance Firing 20 Moscow Lawyers; Other Int’l Layoffs Underway

Clifford Chance LLP LLP will cut 20% of its lawyer head count in its Moscow office in the current financial…

How Should Law Firms Deal With a 0% Attrition Rate?

From Bruce MacEwen's blog: An unspoken, and certainly uncelebrated, aspect of the law firm associate personnel model is built-in attrition.…