University of Texas School of Law

Highest Ranked Law Schools in the Cheapest Cities

Highest Ranked Law Schools in the Cheapest Cities

Summary: What great law schools are located in cheap cities? It's been said time and time again. Law school is expensive,…

“2016 Go-To Law Schools” List Released, Columbia Law Prevails Again

“2016 Go-To Law Schools” List Released, Columbia Law Prevails Again

Summary: On Monday, The National Law Journal published its rankings of the law schools with the most first year BigLaw associate…

Rep. Canales Looks to Create Distance Learning Program in UT System

Rep. Canales Looks to Create Distance Learning Program in UT System

Summary: The UT System could see the development of a distance learning program in the near future due to Rep. Terry…

Quinn Emanuel Elects 11 New Partners Across the Globe

Quinn Emanuel Elects 11 New Partners Across the Globe

Summary: The law firm of Quinn Emanuel has announced that it has elected 11 new partners to its partnership.  The law…

One Million Dollars Donated to University of Texas Law School

One Million Dollars Donated to University of Texas Law School

Summary: A couple known for its philanthropic contributions to the community has donated $1 million to the University of Texas…

Suzanne Howe Discusses the State of the Legal Market in Texas

Suzanne Howe Discusses the State of the Legal Market in Texas

Guest post by: Nabeal Twereet, writer for LawCrossing Suzanne Dupree Howe is the Managing Director of BCG Attorney Search’s Texas…

Former UT Law School Dean and Extraordinary Law Teacher John Sutton Dies

Former UT Law School Dean and Extraordinary Law Teacher John Sutton Dies

John F. Sutton, former dean of University of Texas at Austin School of Law, and longtime professor, died old and…

Report Says Forgivable Loans to University of Texas Faculty Inappropriate

According to a report released by the University of Texas System, Larry Sager's process to obtain a $500,000 forgivable loan…

ABA Says Race Can be Used to Determine Admission

According to the ABA Journal, the United States Supreme Court will hear a case involving race being used as a…

New Dean Appointed at University of Texas-Austin Law School

According to a press release, the School of Law at the University of Texas at Austin has named a new…

UC Irvine Law Hires Seven New Faculty Members

UC Irvine Law Hires Seven New Faculty Members

The new UC Irvine School of Law, which opens this fall, has hired seven new faculty members, bringing its total…

Baker & McKenzie Hires Energy Team from Thompson & Knight

Baker & McKenzie Hires Energy Team from Thompson & Knight

Chicago's Baker & McKenzie has hired a seven-lawyer energy law group from the crosstown office of Thompson & Knight. The…