Summary: A Florida couple engaged in oral sex on a busy Florida beach where children playing in the sand and waves could...
Summary: Four teenagers are accused of having sex just at the shoreline of a popular beach on the fourth of July. Four...
Summary: An aerial photographer spotted New Jersey Governor Chris lounging on a beach that he had closed to the public. Most people...
Summary: The highest court in France overturned the ban placed on burkinis in the town of Villeneruve-Loubet with the remainder of the...
Summary: A couple who had sex in public in Bradenton have been sentenced. The couple prosecuted for having sex in public at...
Public masturbators in Sweden now can legally self-pleasure on the beach. A court ruling in Sweden acquitted a man who was publically...
Some couples seek to turn up the heat on their sex life by making love outdoors, perhaps even thrillingly close to where...