birth certificate

Canadian Parent Fights for Genderless Birth Certificate

Canadian Parent Fights for Genderless Birth Certificate

Summary: A British Columbia parent is fighting to have the Canadian province issue them a birth certificate for their baby…

Proof that Obama’s Birth Certificate is a Fraud?

Proof that Obama’s Birth Certificate is a Fraud?

There have been plenty of arguments that our current president, Barack Hussein Obama, is either not a Christian or was…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning! Today is Thursday, March 18, and here' a quick look back at yesterday's news... Polsinelli Shughart announces plans…

“Birthers” Beware; Hawaii Looks to Put Stop to Obama Requests

“Birthers” Beware; Hawaii Looks to Put Stop to Obama Requests

Orly Taitz isn’t going to like this one. Fed up with so-called “birthers,” lawmakers in Hawaii are considering a bill…

The Return of Orly Taitz

The Return of Orly Taitz

She's baaaaack! Everyone's favorite birther, lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz, has filed pro se in a federal court in Washington…