Summary: Former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager intends to plead guilty in the shooting of a man in the black fleeing...
Summary: The estate of rapper Messy Mya claim Beyonce illegally sampled Messy Mya’s lyrics for the hit song, “Formation.” Beyonce’s legal team better get...
Summary: Eight states have proposed laws that could negatively impact peaceful protesting. There is no doubt that the United States is experiencing...
Summary: Four teens were arrested for torturing a special needs student in Chicago. AÂ horrifying torture video was posted on Facebook Live on...
Summary: A Washington-based group of federal prosecutors reportedly plan to charge the NYPD officer who killed Eric Garner. “I can’t breathe.” Those were...
Summary: The Department of Justice will start collecting police shooting data on a national level. As tensions build between minority communities and...
Summary: The police officer who shot and killed Terence Crutcher has been charged with manslaughter. A female Tulsa police officer has been...
Summary: A Dallas police sergeant is suing Black Lives Matter and other African-American leaders for flaming a “race war.” A Dallas police sergeant is...
Summary: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was prepared for the Black Lives Matter movement by their own diversity director last year. The...
Summary: Charles Kinsey has filed a federal lawsuit against the Florida police officer who shot him while his hands were up. In...
Summary: An Ohio lawyer was jailed for refusing to remove her Black Lives Matter pin while in court. Last Friday, Andrea Burton...
Summary: Police have identified Sunday’s Baton Rouge shooter as Gavin Eugene Long, an admitted member of sovereign citizens. On Sunday morning, there...