blue cross blue shield

Boies Schiller Flexner Plans Strategic Growth Under Incoming Chair Matthew Schwartz

Boies Schiller Flexner Plans Strategic Growth Under Incoming Chair Matthew Schwartz

In a recent announcement, Matthew Schwartz, the chair-elect of prominent U.S. law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, outlined the firm's strategic…

Illinois Woman’s Class Action Against Blue Cross Blue Shield Moves Forward as Court Finds ACA Violation

Illinois Woman’s Class Action Against Blue Cross Blue Shield Moves Forward as Court Finds ACA Violation

In a significant legal development, an Illinois woman, Kelsey Murphy, has received a green light from a federal court to…

Firms Hire MDs To Combat Government Suits Over Medicare Billing

Firms Hire MDs To Combat Government Suits Over Medicare Billing

As posted at, more and more law firms are putting doctors on the payroll to aid in the defense…