book review

6 Important Lessons from Big Magic

One book that has been getting enormous amounts of praise over the past year is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert,…

Book Review: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Book Review: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Summary: Read this review to learn more about The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Goodreads Synopsis: In love we find out…

Book Review – Eleanor Park

Book Review – Eleanor Park

Summary: Learn more about the book Eleanor Park in this review. Synopsis from Goodreads for Eleanor & Park: Two misfits.…

Book Review: Night by Elie Wiesel

Book Review: Night by Elie Wiesel

Summary: If you’ve never read Night, it’s an absolute must-read! It speaks about human nature and how different people react…

Book Review – The Language of Flowers

Book Review – The Language of Flowers

Summary: I really enjoyed reading this novel and definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a little romance and a…

Book Review – The Quaker Cafe

Book Review – The Quaker Cafe

Summary: Here is my review of The Quaker Café by Brenda Bevan Remmes. The Quaker Café by Brenda Bevan Reemes…

Book Review: Inamorata

Book Review: Inamorata

Summary: My last book review was all business/personal development, so today I’m going to mix it up by choosing a…

Book Reviews

Hey there everyone! It's been quite a while since my last book review, hasn't it? Well I've definitely been reading,…

Books and Bras–A Review

Haha that title caught your interest, right? Well I have two reviews for you today: one for a book and…

Book Review Roundup

Many of you that have been reading for a while know that whenever I get a break from school I…