Summary: A former attorney and police officer will spend the rest of his life in prison for committing three bank robberies. Warren...
Summary: President Barack Obama has explained that his interpretation of the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause allows same-sex couples to marry in all 50 states....
Summary: The number of those infected with the Ebola virus could exponentially increase over the coming months if sufficient medical action is...
Summary: In 2012, several Secret Service agents and military members were fired for alleged involvement in a prostitution scandal in Colombia. Although...
Summary: A black teenager, Vonderrit Myers, was shot and killed by a white police officer after the teen allegedly fired at the...
Summary: Adrian Peterson, who is accused of striking his young son so hard that he left welts on the child’s skin, will...
Summary: Devin Graham filmed the antics of himself and his buddies playing around with watercrafts that can dive underwater and leap into...
Summary: An Australian chef and his girlfriend had a seemingly normal relationship, but police discovered that the chef had murdered, dismembered, and...
Summary: The Supreme Court declined hearing the appeals from several states on the issue of same-sex marriage, which means that lower court...
Summary: Two YouTube videos show footage of a Navy ship being flipped vertically, and a series of ships desperately battling storms. A YouTube video captures...
Summary: An intruder who ran into the White House on September 19 was initially believed to have been quickly apprehended, but the Secret Service...
Summary: Shermain Miles, a 51-year-old Chicago woman, has spent the majority of her life in trouble with the law. The Huffington Post...