bti consulting group

Law Firm Top Hourly Rates Reaching $2,000

Law Firm Top Hourly Rates Reaching $2,000

Summary: BTI Consulting Group's latest survey suggests that law firms that are able to produce top quality service to their…

Holland & Knight Nixes Billable Hours Tracking in Public Policy & Regulation Group

Holland & Knight Nixes Billable Hours Tracking in Public Policy & Regulation Group

  International law firm Holland & Knight announced in recent days that the firm's Public Policy & Regulation Group will…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Tuesday, September 21st. Here's a quick look back at yesterday's stories. Brooks Kushman Diversity Officer…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Thursday, September 9th. Here's a quick recap of yesterday's stories. Winston & Strawn LLP added two partners…

Houston’s AZA Law Firm Named as Formidable Opponent in National Corporate Counsel Survey

Houston’s AZA Law Firm Named as Formidable Opponent in National Corporate Counsel Survey

Houston’s Ahmad, Zavitsanos & Anaipakos Law Firm was named an "awesome opponent" in a survey conducted by Wellesley, Mass.-based BTI…

Outside Counsel Spending Predicted to Decline

Outside Counsel Spending Predicted to Decline

According to a new report from legal consultants BTI Consulting Group, spending on outside counsel will continue to drop next…