Summary: A judge dismissed the wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey on January 25. The wrongful death lawsuit filed against Jim Carrey...
Summary: Jim Carrey’s defense team is allowed to use his ex-girlfriend’s medical history in the wrongful death lawsuit filed against him. Jim...
Summary: Jim Carrey said that the second wrongful death lawsuit filed against him is a “shakedown.” The family of Jim Carrey’s late...
Summary: Movie star Jim Carrey has been slapped with a second wrongful death lawsuit. If only Jim Carrey actually had a machine...
Summary: Cathriona White’s estranged husband claims Jim Carrey gave White an STD before dumping her, resulting in her suicide. The legal battle...
A new lawsuit filed by the Mark Burton, the estranged husband of comedian Jim Carrey’s late girlfriend Cathriona White, alleges that Carrey...