
Judge Rules Christian Cross on L.A. County Seal Unconstitutional

Summary: A judge ruled that the addition of a Christian cross on the Los Angeles County seal was unconstitutional. After…

Parents Sue School for Teaching Their Daughter about Islam

Summary: Two Maryland parents sue their daughter's school because she was allegedly forced to learn about Islam during a world…

Atheist Group Plans to Sue Clemson Over Coach’s Christianity

Summary: The Freedom From Religion Foundation intends to sue Clemson because of their football coach’s inclusion of Christianity. Clemson lost…

‘Legal Highs Bill’ May Outlaw Incense, to Dismay of Church Groups

Summary: A proposed bill that seeks to outlaw “legal highs” may have negative effects on certain religious services if passed.…

10 Quotes about Faith to Inspire You

Summary: The more that I keep my faith in mind, the better I handle whatever situation life throws at me.…

Suicide Bomb Blows Apart Christian Church in Pakistan

A suicide bombing occurred outside of a historic church in Peshawar Pakistan killing at least 80 people. This attack was…

Jesus Christ to Finally Get Justice: Lawyer Sues Israel and Italy

A Kenyan attorney is suing Israel and Italy over the execution of one Jesus of Nazareth whose death he thinks…

Iran Arrests and Imprisons Pastor on Christmas Day

Religious tolerance is an emblem of the West not at all imitated in Iran. On Christmas day, Iranian Christian pastor…

Women Banned from Teaching or Speaking by Bristol University’s Christian Union

The University as an institution is a testing ground for P.C. policies, establishing precedents for every manner of equality between…

“Jesus Wife” Fragment a Fake, Says Vatican Paper

The Vatican newspaper has condemned the new "Jesus Wife" scrap as a fake. Unlike the plot of the Da Vince…