Summary: A Pennsylvania church, known as the Sanctuary Church, held a marriage ceremony with AR-15’s as their key accessory. World Peace and...
Summary: The man responsible for shooting to death 26 people would never have been allowed to own a handgun if the proper steps...
Summary: In what may seem a surprising twist, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a church seeking grant money to resurface...
Summary: The convicted white supremacist responsible for shooting nine innocent people at a church has pleaded guilty to the federal charges, making...
Summary: A youth pastor secretly filmed four teenage girls showering naked at the church, but he will not face any criminal charges...
Summary: Usually greeted at the end of church with baked goodies, parishioners got a little extra treat with these special chocolate chip...
Summary: A wrongful termination lawsuit exposes an alleged lawyer kickback scheme in a charity which aims to help victims of priest abuse. ...
Summary: The Charleston Shooter has been sentenced to death. White supremacist Dylann Roof was sentenced to death for killing nine black church-goers....
Summary: The lawyers for the accused Charleston church shooter are fighting against a possible death penalty sentence for their client. Dylann Roof was...
Summary: A Tampa, Florida man was arrested for poking his “organ†through a bathroom divider where another man was using the toilet....
Summary: A proposed bill that seeks to outlaw “legal highs†may have negative effects on certain religious services if passed. According to...
Summary: A nine year battle of lawsuits against each other has turned into aggressive protests by the strippers at the church. Church-goers...