Summary: The family of an 8-year-old Ohio boy who hung himself after a bullying incident is blaming the school for protecting bullying...
Summary: The University of Cincinnati police officer that fatally shot Samuel Dubose during a traffic stop was charged with murder and manslaughter...
Summary: A woman filed a breach of contract claim against a school district, arguing that she should be allowed to stay at...
Summary:Â An opera singer from Kentucky has filed a lawsuit following an episiotomy during the birth of her son that has caused her...
Summary:Â The law firm of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP is trying to find larger office space in the city of Cincinnati because of...
Melowese Richardson lives in Cincinnati and is a poll worker in Ohio, according to Fox News. Earlier this month, Richardson told a...
Police officers in Cincinnati solved what possibly could be the easiest crime to figure out on Friday. They really did not have...
A former state senator and a former mayor are coming together to open up a large law firm office, Calfee, Halter &...
For the ninth consecutive year, Thompson Hine LLP has once again been named as one of the top two law firms for client...
Good morning everyone! Today is Friday, September 3rd. Here’s a quick look back at yesterday’s stories. Dinsmore & Shohl added two new...
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP welcome Charles Freiburger and Boyd Moehring to the firm’s Columbus office in the Corporate Department and Securities Practice...
Ulmer & Berne LLP announced today that the firm has been selected for the fourth year in a row by in-house counsel...